
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friends & Fevers

Last weekend Max's friend Avery Henson came down from KC to visit! It was the first time they had seen each other since Avery moved & the two kiddos had a lot to catch up on. They had fun playing in Max's room & showing off their crawling & walking skills. I think Avery had a little cold/runny nose, & I'm not sure if there was some smooching going on when the moms weren't looking, because a few days later Max developed a runny nose, cough, and then his first fever! Hmmm...
You could definetly tell Max did not feel well--he was very fussy and did not sleep at all the first few nights (I thought you were supposed to sleep more when you were sick--no one gave Max that memo). Last night was a little better & I think he finally stopped running fevers--hurray.
Here are some pics of the two little munchkins playing

1 comment:

  1. Max, I am so sorry you got sick! I sure didn't mean to give you any germies. It's pretty hard being so little and susceptible to these dang runny noses/fevers. Get Well Friend!! And sleep for momma.....
