
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lots of news & lots of pics!

We have been super busy around the Shipman house, so we needed to update the blog on all our adventures! We moved to Edmond the day before Thanksgiving and then hosted Turkey Day dinner for both of our families the very next day! We love our new house and Max loves his new, bigger room--but we still have a lot of work shopping, decorating, organizing & unpacking to do! Max and Mom have made 2 trips recently in preparation for Nicole and Grant's wedding. 1st it was off to Little Rock for a shower & bachelorette party, and then to Wichita for another wedding shower. Max is almost 8 months old and he is still not crawling, but he gets around by rolling, loves to sit-up and play with toys, and just recently can stand unassisted for a few seconds! He is also getting 2 teeth on the bottom, so we have been trying to teach him not to bite!

Please pack me! I want to go too!
Here are my toothers!

Max with his Wichita girlfriend, Olive
Max, Cousin Tucker, and new friend Cole (only 3 days younger than Max) at Nicole's Wichita shower--they all helped Nicole unwrap her presents!
The cousins in their matching Christmas outfits!
Posing with their mamas!
Playing in Max's brand new bathtub!
Max in the upstairs theater room on the black carpet!

The boys in their monkey jammies
Max on Turkey Day!
The whole gang after a delicious Thanksgiving meal!
Mom with Nicole, the bachelorette!
The boys at Aunt Tessa's house in Little Rock
Traveling with Tucker (at the airport)
Lots more pics of the new house to follow--come & visit anytime you can!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new house! Can't wait to see more pics! Max is so stinking cute!
