
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hanging with mom

So this past week mom has been off work, so I have enjoyed hanging out at home with her. We go on walks, run errands, and she tries real hard to get stuff done at home, but mostly I want her to hold me & play with me, so she usually doesn't get too much accomplished. But oh well, laundry can always wait...I'm much too cute to resist. Who's the Big Kahuna? Oh that's right, I am.
Mama's little monkey
Mama, pick me up! You know I don't like to lay here by myself!
Okay, I played by myself for a whole minute...your turn to entertain me
Daddy rocks, but he's at work so you'll have to do


  1. OMG! He looks so much older than the last time I saw him, which wasn't that long ago. Can't wait to see him again later today!
