
Monday, May 4, 2009

Family in town

This past week we have been very busy spending time with family, and meeting new aunts & uncles! Max got to meet Aunt Erica, who flew in all the way from South Carolina to meet the new babies. He also met Tucker's daddy, Uncle Jason. And then just yesterday Max met Aunt Katie & Uncle Steve. Grandad, Grameggie, CeCe & Grandpa as well as Aunt Andie & Aunt Bets have also been by to visit again. We've mostly hung out at the house being entertained by Max (and Cousin Tucker when he's around), but we've also been out to eat burgers, mexican food & sushi. Max is already a pro at eating out, he loves to sleep when out in public--the louder the place, the better! Mom, Max & Aunt Erica
Max & Uncle Jason (it's Max's naptime!)

Aunt Erica with her favorite nephews

Grameggie, Grandad & Max
Grandpa with Max & Grandad with Tucker
Uncle Steve, Aunt Katie & Max
Aunts Katie & Bets with Max

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