
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fighting over girls

Dinner at Avery's house turned into an all out brawl! Tucker, being the older one & with larger arms, snuck his arm around Avery first. Once Max noticed someone else was putting the moves on his girlfriend, he was quick to try & get his arm around her as well.

There you go Max, you saw her first!

Tucker starts to get upset because he wants Avery to himself!

Once Avery steps away & there's no danger of the girl getting hurt, it's on! It's time to arm wrestle boys.

Soon, the wrestling turns into love pats when they realize family is forever, we can't fight over girls! Anyways, Avery is leaving Max in two weeks to move to KC :-(
We'll see how long their long distance relationship lasts!

Anniversary--4 years!

This past Thursday was our four year anniversary--it's gone so fast! Here's a family picture before mom & dad went out to dinner. Aunt Andie (and Cousin Tucker) were in town so she babysat the two little ones while we had a night out!
The Shipman family

Aunt Andie juggling the two little ones! Moms with twins sure have their hands full!!!
Love & Peace to all!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day--Lake Eufala!

This past weekend we traveled to Lake Eufala for Memorial Day. We stayed at the Smith's lake house & had a blast on the boat wakeboarding & surfing. It rained off & on, but we stuck it out for most of the trip. Max loved being on the boat, the swaying put him to sleep for most of the time. He hated putting sunscreen on, but we told him he'll just have to get used to it!
Toran, Braelyn, Emalee & Max

Too cute in his shades!
Tuckered out on the boat!Toran & Max in their pjs, having a giggle before bed Our little waterbug! Max is ready, rain or shine!Max in his matching lake gear, courtesy of Grameggie
Max at his 1st concert, "Music & Mayhem." There were several bands there but we missed the headliner Cross Canadian Ragweed because it started raining again :-(

Max & Keri Max & his parents!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Road Trip Finale

Great Grandma & Grandpa Miller came out to Lee's Summit to meet Max for the first time. We also got to see lots of extended family who we hadn't seen in several years. Everyone had a great time! Great Grandma & Grandpa Miller & Max

Celebrating Grandma's 81st Birthday!
Great Uncle Stan & Aunt Debbie
Max with his Great-great aunts, Frances & Nona
Max with 3rd(?) Cousin Kris & Mom

Road Trip Part 3

In Lee's Summit, Max was thrilled to meet more family! Great-Grandma Heller & Great Aunts Ruth & Helen were so happy to meet Max. We played at Aunt Ruth's house, went to see our first baseball game (we got to see Will pitch!), and went out to brunch.
Great Grandma Heller & Max

Grandad with Tucker & Max
Great Aunt Helen & MaxGreat Aunt Ruth & Max
The boys are spent after their first baseball game! (Will's team won!)

Road Trip Part 2

Next we traveled to Lee's Summit to Great Aunt Ruth's house. Cousins Will & Holly loved playing with & holding Max, they even fought over who would change his dirty diapers! Then Max finally got to meet Aunt Tessa, he was so excited! Now he can't wait to meet Uncle JJ (Tessa's husband who had to work this weekend)
Will & Max
Will with Max & Tucker
Holly & Max (it was time to eat)
Aunt Tessa & little Max Tessa with her favorite nephews!
Mom, Aunt Tessa, Aunt Andie, Max & Cousin Tucker

Road Trip Part 1

We took Max on his first road trip this past weekend. We took a lot of cute pictures so I'm going to divide this blog up into parts. Max did so great in the car, he mostly slept & we just had to stop a few times for feedings. No crying at all! He is such a good, sweet baby.
Our first stop was Claremore, OK where Max was greeted by CeCe & Grandpa with a welcome sign & balloons!
Max was so excited to meet great-grandma Nanabear
Next we traveled to Shawnee, KS (a suburb of Kansas City) where we stayed with Amanda, who is the one who introduced Max's parents to each other back in med school! We stayed the weekend at Amanda's house & her doggies loved Max.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Frogs & bears

I'm finally getting used to baths, I still cry a little when I have to get out--it's cold! But it helps to have a warm snuggly towel to get into--this one has bear ears!

I love my cute froggie outfit--ribbit, ribbit!

With my mama on mother's day! I got her massage gift certificates, a hotsling, & we went out to dinner. Our first mother's day was a lot of fun!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Big pimpin' & more cute pics

I am just so cute that my mom can't help but take lots of pictures of me! It's been cold & rainy here in Oklahoma City the past few days, so when I go out I need to dress warm (hence the stylin' Juicy warm-up suit), but in my house it's so nice & toasty that sometimes I don't even need clothes! Check out my adorable pics!
Peace, love & rock n' roll!
Me with my mom & dad
Big pimpin' in OKC